GeoCities-style "Powered by Void" Button

Inspired by some recent postings around the web showcasing GeoCities-style 88x31 pixel GIF buttons, including some buttons for various Linux and BSD distributions, I decided to try my hand at creating one for Void Linux, which missed the Golden Age of these buttons.

Here's what I came up with:

a grey, rectangular button with the words "Powered by VOID" and the void logo, which has an animated shine effect every 5 seconds

I created the button at 4x scale (352x124) so that there could be more detail seen if desired.

I started out with the Void logo:

the Void Linux logo, a two-tone green ring with a large gap between each half and a dot in the centre. Above it is the text VOID.

Separating the text and adding a black border for contrast in Inkscape, I imported the SVGs into Krita and created the button shape as a background. When adding the "Powered by" text, I chose Noto Sans because it is easily readable at the target size and it has a friendly licence (the Open Font Licence).

I wanted to add a small animated element to this button, and this project also gave me a chance to try out Krita's animation functions. I was very impressed with the curves animation tools. It allowed me to control the exact position of the animated overlay as it moved along its path, including the speed, which gave a very nice result. Here it is at full size:

a grey, rectangular button with the words "Powered by VOID" and the void logo, which has an animated shine effect every 5 seconds

This graphic is released into the public domain as CC0. You can attribute me as the author if you'd like, but it's not required.

Please don't hotlink these images, I give no guarantee that they will stay here forever.

Animated: 88x31 gif | 176x62 gif | 352x124 gif

Static: 88x31 gif | 88x31 png | 176x62 gif | 176x62 png | 352x124 gif | 352x124 png